Me3 banner of the first regiment
Me3 banner of the first regiment

me3 banner of the first regiment

What's the response? "Oh, which movies have you seen? Have you read the books?" These are trick questions, it doesn't matter what I've seen or what I've read. I'll say to my friends that no, I haven't seen the new Harry Potter movie because I don't like Harry Potter (yeah it's true, deal with it). Here is an example of the response I've received multiple times from multiple people over the years on this one issue.

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I usually get the same response, which is indicative of an unwillingness to accept that I have a different opinion. Whether this is a series of books, or a television show, or a famous person, you name it. I could be referring to a lot of things with a statement like that, but in this case I'm talking about daring to not like something the majority does. I am not a sheep, and so many others are. I'm just gonna go ahead, nobody's reading this crap anyway.

me3 banner of the first regiment

Is it just to rant about stuff, is it to talk about stuff I think is cute, am I supposed to talk about my philosophy of a happy life? I have no idea. I mean I could be doing it all wrong, look at what I've written just recently for Pete's sake, I don't know what I'm doing here. I should say beforehand that I don't really know how this whole blog thing works.

Me3 banner of the first regiment